[1] 马海乐等,食品机械与设备(普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材),中国农业出版社,2011.6,ISBN:9787109158054,参编;
[2] 郭康权等,农产品加工机械学,学苑出版社,2015.8,ISBN:9787507746617,参编;
[3] 郭康权等,食品工程测试,学苑出版社,2012.9,ISBN:9787507741056,参编。
[1] Zhu Xinhua*, Guo Wenchuan*, Liang Zhibing. Determination of the fat content in cow's milk based on dielectric properties. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2015, 8(7):1485-1494 ( SCI收录)
[2] Zhu Xinhua*, Fang Lijie, Gu Jingsi, Guo Wenchuan*. Feasibility investigation on determining soluble solids content of peaches using dielectric spectra. Food Analytical Methods, 2016, 9(6), 1789-1798 ( SCI收录)
[3] Zhu Xinhua*, & Kang Fei, Frequency- and temperature-dependent dielectric properties of goat’s milk adulterated with soy protein, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2015, 8(11):2341-2346 ( SCI收录)
[4] Zhu Xinhua,Guo Wenchuan,Jia Yunpeng,Fei Kang, Dielectric Properties of Raw Milk as Functions of Protein Content and Temperature. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2015,8(3): 670-680 ( SCI收录)
[5] Zhu Xinhua,Guo Wenchuan,Jia Yunpeng, Temperature-Dependent Dielectric Properties of Raw Cow's and Goat's Milk from 10 to 4500 MHz Relevant to Radio-frequency and Microwave Pasteurization Process. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2014,7(6): 1830-1839 ( SCI收录)
[6] Zhu Xinhua*, Guo Wenchuan, Wu Xiaoling. Frequency- and temperature-dependent dielectric properties of fruit juices associated with pasteurization by dielectric heating. Journal of Food Engineering, 2012,109(2):258-266. (SCI收录)
[7] 郭文川, 康飞, 朱新华*. 频率、温度和大豆蛋白对牛乳介电特性的影响. 农业机械学报,2015,46(10):274-278,115. (SCI收录)
[8] Guo Wenchuan*, Shang Liang, Zhu Xinhua, Nelson S. O. Nondestructive detection of soluble solids content of apples from dielectric spectra with ANN and chemometric methods. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2015, 8(5): 1126-1138 (SCI收录)
[9] Guo Wenchuan,Zhu Xinhua, Dielectric Properties of Red Pepper Powder Related to Radiofrequency and Microwave Drying. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2014,7(12): 3591-3601 ( SCI收录)
[10] Zhu X*., Guo W., Wang S., Dielectric properties of ground hazelnuts at different frequencies, temperatures, and moisture contents. Transactions of the ASABE, 2014,57(1): 161-168 ( SCI收录)
[11] Guo W.,Yang J.,Zhu X *.,Wang S.,Guo K., Frequency, moisture, temperature, and density-dependent dielectric properties of wheat straw. Transactions of the ASABE, 2013,56(3): 1069-1075 (通讯作者,SCI收录)
[12] 郭文川,商亮;王铭海;朱新华, 基于介电频谱的采后苹果可溶性固形物含量无损检测. 农业机械学报, 2013, (09): 132-137 (EI收录)
[13] 郭文川,王铭海,谷静思,朱新华, 近红外光谱结合极限学习机识别贮藏期的损伤猕猴桃. 光学精密工程, 2013, (10): 2720-2727 (EI收录)
[14] 郭文川,杨军,刘驰,朱新华, 基于交流阻抗法的小麦秸秆含水率检测仪设计. 农业工程学报, 2013, (23): 46-52 (EI收录)
[15] Zhu X*., Guo W., Wang S., Sensing moisture content of buckwheat seed from dielectric properties. Transactions of the ASABE, 2013,56(5): 1855-1862 ( SCI收录)
[16] Guo Wenchuan, Zhu Xinhua, Nelson Stuart O., Permittivities of Watermelon Pulp and Juice and Correlation with Quality Indicators. International Journal of Food Properties, 2013,16(3): 475-484 ( SCI收录)
[17] Zhu Xinhua*,Guo Wenchuan,Wu Xiaoling,Wang Shaojin, Dielectric properties of chestnut flour relevant to drying with radio-frequency and microwave energy. Journal of Food Engineering, 2012,113(1): 143-150 ( SCI收录)
[18] 郭文川,王婧,朱新华, 基于介电特性的燕麦含水率预测. 农业工程学报, 2012, (24): 272-279 (EI收录)
[19] Guo Wenchuan,Zhu Xinhua,Yue Rong,Liu Hui,Liu Yi, Dielectric properties of fuji apples from 10 to 4500 mhz during storage. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2011,35(6): 884-890 ( SCI收录)
[20] Guo Wenchuan,Zhu Xinhua,Nelson Stuart O.,Yue Rong,Liu Hui,Liu Yi, Maturity effects on dielectric properties of apples from 10 to 4500 MHz. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2011,44(1): 224-230 (SCI收录)
[21] Guo Wenchuan,Liu Yi,Zhu Xinhua,Wang Shaojin, Temperature-dependent dielectric properties of honey associated with dielectric heating. Journal of Food Engineering, 2011,102(3): 209-216 (SCI收录)
[22] Guo Wenchuan,Liu Yi,Zhu Xinhua,Wang Shaojin, Dielectric properties of honey adulterated with sucrose syrup. Journal of Food Engineering, 2011,107(1): 1-7 (SCI收录)
[23] Guo Wenchuan,Zhu Xinhua,Yue Rong,Liu Hui,Liu Yi, Dielectric properties of fuji apples from 10 to 4500 mhz during storage. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2011,35(6): 884-890 (SCI收录)
[24] Guo Wenchuan*, Liu Yi, Zhu Xinhua, Zhuang Hong. Sensing the water content of honey from temperature-dependent electrical conductivity. Measurement Science and Technology. 2011,22(8):1312-1327(SCI收录)
[25] Guo Wenchuan,Wu Xiaoling,Zhu Xinhua,Wang Shaojin, Temperature-dependent dielectric properties of chestnut and chestnut weevil from 10 to 4500 MHz. Biosystems Engineering, 2011,110(3): 340-347 ( SCI收录)
[26] Guo Wenchuan,Zhu Xinhua,Liu Yi,Zhuang Hong, Sugar and water contents of honey with dielectric property sensing. Journal of Food Engineering, 2010,97(2): 275-281 (SCI收录)
[27] Guo Wenchuan,Zhu Xinhua,Liu Hui,Yue Rong,Wang Shaojin, Effects of milk concentration and freshness on microwave dielectric properties. Journal of Food Engineering, 2010,99(3): 344-350 ( SCI收录)
[28] 杨培,朱新华. 微波处理降低中密度纤维板甲醛的试验研究. 建筑材料学报, 优先出版http://www.cnki.net/kcms/detail/31.1764.TU.20151218.1330.020.html. (EI源刊)
[15]朱新华. 玉米秸秆茎叶分离特性研究及其分离机研制[D].西北农林科技大学,2011.
[1]朱新华,杨中平,郭康权,吴永锋,查峥. 玉米秸秆去叶装置设计与试验[C]. 中国农业工程学会(CSAE).中国农业工程学会2011年学术年会论文集.中国农业工程学会(CSAE):中国农业工程学会,2011:1969-1974.
[2]郭文川,吴晓玲,朱新华,王绍金. 10~4500MHz下板栗及栗实像甲的介电特性[C]. 中国农业工程学会(CSAE).中国农业工程学会2011年学术年会论文集.中国农业工程学会(CSAE):中国农业工程学会,2011:1562-1567.
[3]杨中平,朱新华,郭康权,闫小丽,祝明雪. 玉米秸整秆压缩打捆青贮关键技术的试验研究[C]. 中国农业工程学会(CSAE).中国农业工程学会2011年学术年会论文集.中国农业工程学会(CSAE):中国农业工程学会,2011:685-688.
[4]郭文川,朱新华. 西瓜果肉和果汁的介电特性及其与糖度的关系[C]. 中国农业工程学会.纪念中国农业工程学会成立30周年暨中国农业工程学会2009年学术年会(CSAE 2009)论文集.中国农业工程学会:中国农业工程学会,2009:1490-1493.
[5]郭文川,郭康权,朱新华. 介电特性在番茄和苹果品种识别中的应用[C]. 中国农业机械学会.农业机械化与新农村建设——中国农业机械学会2006年学术年会论文集(下册).中国农业机械学会:中国农业机械学会,2006:422-424.
[6]郭文川,朱新华,郭康权. 损伤对苹果电参数值的影响[C]. 中国农业机械学会.农业机械化与新农村建设——中国农业机械学会2006年学术年会论文集(下册).中国农业机械学会:中国农业机械学会,2006:425-427+414.
[7]郭文川,郭康权,朱新华. 介电特性在番茄和苹果品种识别中的应用[C]. 中国机械工程学会.2006年中国机械工程学会年会暨中国工程院机械与运载工程学部首届年会论文集.中国机械工程学会:中国机械工程学会,2006:3082.
[8]郭文川,朱新华,郭康权. 损伤对苹果电参数值的影响[C]. 中国机械工程学会.2006年中国机械工程学会年会暨中国工程院机械与运载工程学部首届年会论文集.中国机械工程学会:中国机械工程学会,2006:3083.